In his presidential campaign announcement speech, RFK Jr said ‘I have so many skeletons in my closet that if they could all vote, I could run for king of the world.” Nothing to be proud of there, but at least he told the truth, albeit easier to do when you have no real chance of being elected. Anyone with a chance of being president would never say that, they would cover up whatever they could. And we aren’t so different. Some of us probably do have secrets in our past that would jeopardize a run for presidency, but all of us try to curate and share an idealized version of ourselves to the world, burying in the past shames of our family and the sins we’ve done and perhaps continue to do. The nations we are a part of have this problem on a grander scale. No American wants to think too long about slavery, or the native American trail of tears, just as no Turk wants to think too long about what happened to the Armenians of their country. Everybody wants to bury the past and the skeletons along with them, unless of course it’s your people who have been buried, in that case we demand a higher form of justice.