Sunday Worship & Fellowship: 10:30AM-1:30PM

Worship Ministries

There are many opportunities for lay and ordained men and women alike to be active participants in the worship life of St. Hagop Armenian Church. Our altar servers and choir members lead the church in worship on Sundays and in sacraments throughout the year. Our lectors read God’s word to the people on Sundays. Our altar guild prepares the altar for services and decorates the church with appropriate flower arrangements to glorify God. All are part of our worship ministry, and all are welcome to participate as fits their interest and ability. Contact Louise Yardumian,with questions and interest.

Much Thanks For Gifts and Care of Our Generous Parishioners!

St. Hagop operates on the generous in-kind contributions of our members. This Spring and Summer we express our gratitude to: David & Nancy for our driveway resurfacing, Leon and Sharon for our Lenten Altar and Gerezman, Dr. George & Debbie for our repairing our cement walkways, Jack and Andy for our festival sign, Joseph & Angele for our new…