Sunday Worship & Fellowship: 10:30AM-1:30PM

Planned Giving

In addition to one-time and recurring pledge donations, many faithful of St. Hagop, including those recognized below, have contributed to the future of our church by making a legacy gift in their wills. Legacy gifts through bequests and other gift provisions are vitally important to building for the future of St. Hagop Armenian Church. Legacy gifts are either outright gifts (i.e. gifts of appreciated securities, real property, personal property, etc.) or deferred gifts (i.e. bequests, charitable gift annuities, charitable trusts). For more information on including St. Hagop in your planned giving, or to notify the church of a bequest you have already planned, please contact committee chair Michael Shahnasarian or John K. Shamsey, 941-586-8415.

Meline Hazaryan

Long time member of the St. Hagop Armenian Church community, Meline Hazaryan, passed on June 25, 2023. Meline left a fixed sum in her will of $10,000 for St. Hagop Armenian Church which the church received on February 25, 2024 and has added to its maintenance reserve fund. St. Hagop is blessed by Meline’s gift…

Nelly Childress

Nelly Childress was not a parishioner of St. Hagop Armenian Church, but was touched by the outreach ministry of our church in presiding at the funeral of her sister in 20212. Nelly passed on April 9, 2024 and left a fixed sum of $5,000 for St. Hagop Armenian Church in her will.

ida merakyan

Ida Merakyan

Ida Merakyan was a long-time steward, godmother and lector of St. Hagop Armenian Church. She went to her eternal rest on May 24, 2023. Ida left a fixed sum in her will of $50,000 for St. Hagop Armenian Church which the church received on October 6, 2023 and has added to its maintenance fund. St.…

Leon Atayan

Member of the St. Hagop Armenian Church community, Leon Atayan, passed on February 3, 2020. Leon left a fixed sum in his will of $5,000 for St. Hagop Armenian Church which the church received on November 30, 2024 and has added to its maintenance reserve fund. May Leon abide in peace with our Lord!

Alice Plyler

Alice P. Plyler lived in Lake Alfred, FL and passed away at age 92 Saturday, November 19, 2016. Alice was unable to ever attend St. Hagop, but she kept the church in her heart, even at a distance. She left $5,000 in her will to St. Hagop, designated to aiding Armenian orphans.  The Parish council…

Arda Unjian

Arda Unjian, long time faithful member of St. Hagop Armenian Church, went to his eternal rest on Sunday, February 9, 2014. Arda was a beloved member of our community from very early on. Arda left two gifts to St. Hagop.  The proceeds of the sale of his condominium, which was $70,279.97 as well as a fixed…

France Frankian

France Frankian was a long-time parishioner and dedicated parish council member of St. Hagop Armenian Church who went to his eternal rest on April 5, 2012.  France left a fixed sum in his will of $3,000 for St. Hagop Armenian Church which the church received on October 5, 2012 and has added to its maintenance…